FOB by David Henry Hwang

About the project

Actors Co-op's Origin Series
Year: 2021

See more about the project here.

Origins was a year-long virtual monologue series celebrating the makers, shapers, and innovators of American theatre. Featuring a new playwright each month, the series aimed to shed light on some of the most gifted storytellers of our time.

I had the privilege of directing a monologue from David Henry Hwang's beautiful play, FOB (Fresh Off the Boat.) As a third-generation Mexican-American, I am passionate about exploring the immigrant experience, and how it shapes our American identities for the generations to come.

Let's Talk

Got a story you want to come to life? Need an acting coach who can help you get out of your head and into your body? Reach out and let me know what you have in mind.

Los Angeles, CA