Three Tall Women

About the project

In order to adapt to zoom theatre during quarantine, I approached the work as I would a live staged reading. This casual “living room” style of theatre aided to the unorthodox nature of zoom. Rather than recreate the essence of theatre on a virtual platform, I instead sought out to create a feel of three women telling their stories around a campfire. Simple, vulnerable, and heart-wrenching. I felt focusing on the words alone gave the text a new power. The protagonist holds the weight of what had gone unsaid throughout her whole life… I hoped that in this new storytelling platform, we could give her a chance to finally acknowledge the stories of shame, pain, and truth she had carried for so long.

I stripped back most technical elements in order to let the three actors carry the story audibly. At a time when we all struggled to focus, I attempted to hold the audience accountable to slowing down enough to listen without distraction. I wanted to explore the idea of memory, storytelling, and what mistakes haunt us for the rest of our lives.


Virtual Theater Lab
Year: 2020

  • Written by: Edward Albee 

  • Directed by: Francesca Patrón

  • Show Poster by: Francesca Patrón

  • A woman in her 90s: Connie Nelson

  • A woman in her 50s: Erin Buvala Benites

  • A woman in her 20s: Brenna Jackson

Watch highlights from a preview:

Let’s talk

Got a story you want to come to life? Need an acting coach who can help you get out of your head and into your body? Reach out and let me know what you have in mind.

Los Angeles, CA